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Elliptic area formula

The ellipse area formula is a mathematical formula used to calculate the area of an ellipse. It is determined by the major and minor axes of the ellipse, and the ellipse area formula is πab, where a and b are the major and minor axes of the ellipse, respectively.

An ellipse is a geometric figure on a plane whose shape resembles that of an elongated circle. The major and minor axes of an ellipse are the two main axes of an ellipse, and their length determines the size and shape of the ellipse. The formula for the area of an ellipse is πab, where π is PI and a and b are the major and minor axes of the ellipse. To calculate the area of an ellipse, simply substitute the values of a and b into the formula.

If the major axis of an ellipse is 6 and the minor axis is 4, its area can be calculated using the formula for the area of an ellipse. From the formula S=πab, substituting a=6 and b=4, we get S=24π, which is about 75.4. So the area of this ellipse is about 75.4 square units.

An ellipse is a geometric figure on a plane whose shape resembles that of an elongated circle. The major and minor axes are the two main axes of an ellipse and their length determines the size and shape of the ellipse. The formula for the area of an ellipse is πab, where π is PI and a and b are the major and minor semi-axes of the ellipse. To calculate the area of the ellipse, it is only necessary to substitute the values of a and b into the formula.

The proof of the formula for the area of an ellipse can be done by integration.

First we express the equation of the ellipse as x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1, where a and b are the major and minor axes of the ellipse. We can then divide the ellipse into an infinite number of smaller rectangles, each with an area of dS = dx * dy.

Next, we can express dS in polar coordinates, i.e. dS = r * dr * dθ, where r and θ are the radius and angle in polar coordinates respectively. The representation of x and y in polar coordinates, i.e. x = a * cosθ, y = b * sinθ, is substituted into the expression for dS, giving dS = ab * cosθ * sinθ * dθ * dr.

Finally, we can integrate dS to get the area S of the ellipse, so S = ∫∫dS = ∫0^2π∫0^a b * cosθ * sinθ * dr * dθ = πab. This proves the elliptic area formula.

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